Monday, October 31, 2011

Yoga in Early Childhood

Happy Halloween to all!

Next "Material Exploration" - Yoga for Early Childhood
November 12, 2011 10:30 – Noon
Material Exploration: Body/Movement
Program: Yoga for Early Childhood
Location: Washburn Public Library, 5244 Lyndale Ave. South, Minneapolis. Go to for directions
Presenter: Milissa Link director of Tree of Life Yoga in Minneapolis, has been teaching yoga for nearly two decades. She has adapted yoga postures for toddlers through octogenarians in her private studio, as well as at corporations, schools and nonprofits. Milissa is an AMI certified Montessori Assistant and has worked in early childhood and early elementary educational environments.
Description: Yoga is a wonderful place for children to explore multiple relationships: to their own bodies, to their peers, to their community and to the planet. This workshop will provide a yoga sequence that can be adapted for children from 12 month to 6 years. Songs, mindful breathing, games and a peace walk will be interwoven with yoga postures that are appropriate for various age groups.
Benefits of yoga for children include: Large motor development, Emotional self-regulation, Social skills building, Environmental awareness
Note: Movement will be part of the session so please dress in comfortable clothing, with bare feet (socks are okay if you prefer). Yoga mats are not needed. Please leave your cell phone behind (or kindly silence it).
LIMIT: 20 Participants
Cost: $35. See registration form for payment information.

This is through the MnReggio website.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

From the Star Tribune

Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful spate of weather! Mary O'