Friday, January 29, 2010

Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Early Childhood Environments

This is adapted from an article that Cindy Hanson recently gave me. Thank you, Cindy!

complete article at Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center

Why reflect the language and culture of the children and families throughout the classroom environment?
  • makes families feel welcome when they see their language included in written materials around the room
  • social/emotional development is supported when children see items and images from their home included in school
  • establishes a sense of belonging and connectedness to the school environment
What can I do in my classroom?
  1. Label items in the classroom in the home language(s) of the children.
  2. When you label items, color code the languages and keep the selected colors consistent throughout the classroom--AND THE CENTER.
  3. If handwritten labels are used, use different colored markers when writing the words in each language.
  4. Many programs choose to use typed labels so that once created, the document can be stored, shared amongst the classrooms and printed up whenever needed. With typed labels, words can either be printed up in the ink colors chosen for each respective language OR printed up in black and then pasted onto colored paper. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SPEARHEADING THIS? THE OFFICE CAN HELP WITH PRODUCING MATERIALS!!
  5. Labeling should be done purposefully and with intention.
  6. Be sure not to over-label the classroom to avoid over-stimulation and visual clutter.
  7. Object labels can be rotated to maintain children's interest and engagement.
  8. Display print materials in the home language(s) of the children. Post some song lyrics, poems, rhymes and other materials familiar to the children in their home language. Ask parents to save empty food containers with print in the languages represented in the classroom for the housekeeping area.
  9. Provide books in the home language(s) of the children. Enlist parents to identify appropriate books (a great way to build community and respect the child's family as their first community!)
  10. How about homemade books that parents can translate into other languages? (or our ABE students? who are right upstairs??)
  11. Children who are dual language learners benefit greatly from visual cues that help them function in the classroom and know what to expect as they move through the day. Display photographs to accompany the daily schedule, classroom routines and other organizers you use in your classroom.
  12. Can you play music in the children's home language? (again, a great way to involve parents, respect and build community)
  13. Can you provide audio-stories in the children's home language(s)? Family members can be invited to record stories that can be shared in the classroom.
  14. Include toys that reflect the diversity of the children in the classroom. (Can you ask parents what toys they played with? What toys from their culture they would like to see in your classroom?)
  15. Incorporate materials throughout the classroom that would be similar to what children would see in their own homes.
  16. Remember that each family is unique regardless of their ethnic background. Gather feedback from ALL families to help create your classroom environment!
I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you in helping to move these ideas forward!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Reminder about Rec Room Schedule

Here's the rec room schedule for the 2nd half of the year.

January Judy and Allison (Creative Play)
February Beth, Kari and Shelli (PALS+)
March Marcy (Kids' Place Toddlers)
April Kim and Susan (Family Learning)
May Linda (2's Company)

Let me know if there are any issues/problems. You can switch if you need to.

Visuals of a change in room environment

I know you're always thinking about what you're doing and why you're doing it and what difference it makes...and the environment as the third teacher. Thought you might like to see this.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Early childhood science

from Education Week

The sand-and-water table in Barry Hoff’s classroom in the Southampton Head Start program on New York’s Long Island, used to be filled with sand on two sides.

But water was restored to the table last month as 16 preschoolers stood around it, dipping and pouring water through tubes and funnels, squeezing it through turkey basters, and learning, in the process, something of what it’s like to think like scientists.

The change in Mr. Hoff’s room, and in a handful of other classrooms like it around the country, stems from growing interest among academic experts and educators in teaching science to preschoolers.

“I think a lot of preschool teachers aren’t aware of the fact that preschoolers can figure out things like they do, or make predictions as they do,” said Mr. Hoff, who’s been teaching preschool for four years. “But some of the things we’re doing now are things that children find a lot of wonder with.”

Three years ago, when a task force of the congressionally chartered National Research Council issued influential recommendations for improving K-8 science education, it also made a pitch for introducing scientific study even before the start of formal schooling, with children as young as 4.

“The commonly held view that young children are concrete and simplistic thinkers,” the report said, “is outmoded.” Refuted, some experts added, by decades of research in cognitive science and developmental psychology.

Concerns about American students’ performance on international science tests and the supply of students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM, fields, combined with the expansion of federal testing requirements to include high school science, have served in recent years only to heighten that call.

Yet, as University of Miami researcher Daryl B. Greenfield found in a Florida study testing the school-readiness skills of more than 5,000 Head Start graduates, science is one of the areas in which children show the least learning growth during their preschool years.

Shells and Magnets

“Most teachers will have a science area in their classroom, ... and if you look on plans, you would see something listed as science but, in reality, there would be some shells, some magnets, and maybe a pumpkin, or a book about animals in winter,” said Nancy Clark-Chiarelli, a principal research scientist at the Education Development Center, a research group based in Newton, Mass. “But those items are not conceptually related, and they don’t promote children’s independent exploration of them.”

If preschool teachers had water tables in their classrooms, Ms. Clark-Chiarelli and her EDC research partners found in their work, they were often turned into bathing areas for plastic dolls rather than used as science-teaching tools.

Ms. Clark-Chiarelli and her colleagues sought to improve preschool science teaching by crafting a “Young Scientist” curriculum series with support from the National Science Foundation. The guides focus on teaching children about the natural world and developing their knowledge of physical science through building structures and water play.

Because preschool teachers are often uneasy about teaching scientific concepts, the research team also developed an accredited professional-development program for them, and assessments to determine whether teachers and their pupils were benefiting from the added instruction.

The EDC researchers field-tested the program with 50 Massachusetts teachers working in Head Start, the federal preschool program for disadvantaged children, and found “dramatic” learning gains for teachers, coupled with “promising” improvements for their young students in two of the three science content areas on which the guides focus.

Beyond ‘Amazing’

Now, with funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, the researchers are engaged in a larger study testing the curriculum’s efficacy in Mr. Hoff’s class and dozens of other New York Head Start classrooms in Westchester County and on Long Island. Halfway into the six-month training program, Mr. Hoff said the knowledge he has gained is already transforming his teaching.

“I do consider myself scientifically minded, but before it was more or less ‘Let’s see this,’ or ‘This is amazing,’ and I’d kind of explain what was occurring and move on,” he said in an interview. “This is something to guide [his students] on to exploring, and it seems to have more lasting impact on their learning.”

When his students play with the water, for instance, he makes notes of what they’re doing and used the notes later on, during discussion time, to coax children to share their discoveries. What did you do with the funnel, he might ask, or how did you get the water in the tubes? Did you notice any bubbles?

“Because kids can parrot back what they hear, teachers think they know more than they do,” said Cindy Hoisington, who is working with Ms. Clark-Chiarelli as a lead instructor and teacher mentor on the project. “Kids don’t know bubbles are full of air, and teachers are kind of shocked because they thought their kids knew that.”

New efforts to teach more science in preschool come at a time when early-childhood educators worry that a growing emphasis on academics during those years is crowding out the playtime that children need for healthy development.

Kathy Hirsh-Pacek, a psychology professor at Temple University, in Philadelphia, counts herself as one of those advocates. But she says efforts to expand preschool science teaching need not necessarily conflict with young children’s need for playtime. Science can be taught in the context of play.

“The people who are pure play people suggest that you need to have free play for young children, and I think the evidence is pretty clear on that,” Ms. Hirsh-Pacek said. “But I also think the evidence is pretty clear that you don’t just need to have free play for children. There’s free play, and there’s guided play.”

“You just have to be careful,” she added, “because sometimes adults can become too intrusive and the play just stops.”

Science Talk

The EDC researchers say their efforts also go hand in hand with the growing emphasis in preschool programs on developing children’s language skills.

“We believe in order to have good discussions, you have to have something to talk about,” Ms. Clark-Chiarelli said.

Research-and-development efforts aimed at improving preschool science instruction are also under way at the Center for Math and Science Education at the University of Texas and the University of Miami, where Mr. Greenfield is developing an assessment of preschoolers’ science readiness, as well as other locations.

In September, meanwhile, a team of researchers led by Rochel Gelman, a cognitive psychologist from Rutgers University’s Busch campus in Piscataway, N.J., published a book on the subject called Preschool Pathways to Science: Facilitating Scientific Ways of Thinking, Talking, Doing, and Understanding.

“In preschool, you find that kids are natural scientists, whether it’s life science, earth science, or physics,” said Mr. Greenfield. “Young kids are interested in changes in the weather or whether something is hard or soft. They have a natural curiosity about the world.”