Friday, August 26, 2011

A good gathering opportunity!

Kick-Off to the 2011-2012 Year...
The Monthly Gatherings for 2011-2012 begin in September. The first is a Kick-Off event on Saturday, September 24th, hosted by the University of Minnesota Child Development Center (UMCDC), formerly the U of M Child Care Center.

The morning includes: a tour of UMCDC, a slide show of Pistoia, Italy by UMCDC director, Ann Edgerton, discussion of an article on children’s environments and an overview of the 2011-2012 monthly gatherings and research focus for the year. 9 to noon – 1600 Rollins SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Reggio Emilia and Pistoia are both cities of northern Italy that have earned particular recognition for their passion and innovation. While Reggio Emilia has achieved the highest level of international recognition, Pistoia is also acknowledged as a site of important leadership and experimentation.
For directions, handbook and photos go to
NOTE: Attendance is limited to 22 participants: Please RSVP and obtain an article by e-mailing Sandy Burwell at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Interesting article

Hope all is well as you prepare for the start of another year!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

As you start the new school year...

*"All of this is a great forest. Inside the forest is the child.
The forest is beautiful, fascinating, green, and full of hopes; there are no
paths. Although it isn`t easy, we have to make our own paths, as teachers
and children and families, in the forest. Sometimes we find ourselves
together within the forest, sometimes we may get lost from each other,
sometimes we`ll greet each other from far away across the forest; but its
living together in this forest that is important. And this living together
is not easy."*

*- *Loris Malaguzzi (1994)
