Friday, September 28, 2007

Moving Forward from the Workshop

Did you think Provocation Station had fallen off my radar screen? Au contraire! However, my radar screen has been jammed by multiple meetings!

But thanks to Lisa and Peggy, Provocation Station is back on line with information we promised you at the Early Childhood Workshop.

First, we agreed that we would organize a study circle on developing a rubric for filling out the ECIP. Here's what we're suggesting to get this accomplished.

-- two (and only two) study circle meetings on Thursday, Nov. 1 and Thursday, Nov. 15, 1-3 p.m. in the Central Office Lounge
-- one staff member from each program should volunteer (or risk being appointed!) to be part of the study circle

--Lisa, Peggy and/or Mary O' will facilitate the study circle
--all staff members will be responsible for providing your program representative with developmental checklists, Work Sampling rubrics, Creative Curriculum rubrics that they can use during the study circle to develop the rubric

I realize that many of you have already started or even finished filling out the fall ECIP so this rubric will be coming after the fact. But I also saw that you were very supportive of developing this rubric so I think we should go ahead with it and I wonder what it will end up looking like!

Please let us all know in your comments to this blog who from Creative Play; ECFE/PALS; First Steps; Kids' Place; PALS+ will join the study circle! (Programs will pay for substitutes if necessary for a representative to attend but I can't speak for ECSE :( )

Lisa, Peggy and I have it on our calendars and we're looking forward to this work.

Lisa, Peggy and I are also going to combine your wonderful ideas for the Early Childhood Plan curriculum template to build one template. We anticipate it will be used for a "broad brush" view of your curriculum work in the major topic areas of the ECIP: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT; APPROACHES TO LEARNING; LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT; CREATIVITY AND THE ARTS; COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT; SCIENTIFIC THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING; SOCIAL SYSTEMS UNDERSTANDING; PHYSICAL AND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT.
This is work to come and we will keep you informed as to timelines when they are developed.