Friday, March 18, 2011

Upcoming conference

Reggio-Inspired Network of MN
March 12, 2011 4:22 pm
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Spring Conference at MacDonald Montessori School
MacDonald Montessori School presents a Spring Conference on Saturday, April 30, 2011
“Complexity of Materials as a Language Integrated in the Daily Life of the Classroom”
Jennifer Azzariti, Key Presenter
• Former Atelerista at the Model Early Learning Center in Washington DC where she worked with Amelia Gambetti for five years
• Currently Studio consultant at St John’s Preschool and several public schools in DC
• Consultant to many Reggio-inspired schools and centers in Atlanta, Mountain View CA, San Francisco, New Jersey, St Paul and presenter at conferences in the U.S. and abroad
• NAREA board member
8:30 registration 9-4pm conference
Conference includes :
• Children’s research projects by MMS educators
• Hands on exploration of clay as a media
• Collaboration & dialog
• Materials folder
• Reggio Emilia Resource books for sale
• Meals & Refreshments
• Tours of the School
MacDonald Montessori School
175 S. Western Avenue (One block from St Clair & West 7th)
St Paul, MN 55102 Fax – 651 227 7304
Phone – 651 227 1039
Email –
Lunch/am & pm refreshments included
Check in begins at 8:30am
Space is limited….register early !!!!
CITY, STATE, ZIP______________________________
10% discount for 2011 NAREA (North American Reggio Emilia Alliance) Members

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