Monday, March 7, 2011

More from Hawaii

Kinda fun to see what a Reggio inspired environment does in Hawaii--their milieu is sand, ours is snow!

Final swirls --

The other classroom became curious and wanted to do the swirls as well so we are doing an open atelier where we are pairing children from each classroom in working together on the swirl creations-- it has been amazing to watch this cross classroom collaboration unfold...

Here are the galleries to the new round of swirls between two can watch as it unfolds in these 3 current galleries..

Also you may like to see how the swirls are connected to a SMALL slice from our current HUGE project work as connected in our outdoor atelier ~ the beach... which has been our laboratory for thinking this whole year...

with the toss (which began with a child but how we find a connection with this to Andy Goldsworthy's work) & our work with aqueducts --- which began with a provocation -- to create an aqueduct using a line, a swirl and a curve — each has to connect to the other. The aqueduct has to be able to support a flow of water in order to move a ping pong ball from the beginning to the end. (in this gallery you'll find images of their latest and most complex aqueduct that they have created (yes there are a LOT of images 1300 in this gallery)

In our work at the beach we are find many gender differences in how children think with their hands -- we would never have stumbled upon this in the classroom and atelier -- wow our research is making us (teachers) rethink our work and children's work and thinking...

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