Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anyone? Anyone?

Dear Reggio-Inspired Folks, Reminder news about the 'save-the date' we sent earlier.

Please come and join with us to honor our work, past and present and celebrate the launch of the new Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota. Meet others interested in education, the citizenship of children and the inspiration of Reggio Emilia.

I'll be there!

You are invited to celebrate with other educators, enjoy wine and special hors d’oeuvres; many examples of documentation; a large scale collage experience about the twin cities area and special guests Sage Cowles, Nan Skelton and Joanne Spencer. . It will be a great experience and opportunity.

Thursday, October 1
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Open Book
1011 Washington Ave. S.
Mpls, MN 55415

No reservations are necessary. For more information phone 952 426-5020
[Link] for directions, etc.


YBK Yellow Room said...

Chad and I are planning on going! There were a lot of Saturday meetings that wont work for us, so we are going to try to make it to all of the Thursday meetings. Anyone want to car pool???

Anonymous said...

Free wine and food - I'm there....

rose said...

It's about Reggio and it's near my house - I'm sure going to try and be there!