Monday, November 21, 2011

Reggion Inspired Network Workshop on Clay

Reggio-Inspired Network of MN
November 20, 2011 10:44 am
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Clay, the next "Material Exploration" on December 3rd
Material Exploration: Clay from 9 AM to Noon on Saturday, December 3rd
Location: Nokomis Community Center
Address: 2401 E. Minnehaha Pkwy Minneapolis. For directions see
Host: Sandy Burwell
Presenter: Karen Potyondy
Description: An exploration of both earth clay and paper clay with a variety of tools and materials with which to act upon the clay. Warm up exercises to become familiar with the language of clay, its consistency, temperature and malleability with all your senses. Techniques for manipulating clay – balls, coils, slabs, joining, pinch pots, etc.
Cost: $35. See registration form for payment information.
Limit: 20 participants
Registration Form for Materials Explorations (2)

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