Monday, May 18, 2009

The Project Approach with Diverse Learners: a provocation for you

The abstract from the study, Teachers' Views of the Efficacy of Incorporating the Project Approach into Classroom Practice with Diverse Learners by Sallee Beneke and Michaelene M. Ostrosky from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This study provides preliminary insight into teachers' perspectives on ways that the Project Approach can help to support instruction of learners with a range of strengths and needs, and learners from a variety of cultural, economic, and linguistic backgrounds.

Pre- and post-training interviews were conducted with seven preschool teachers who attended professional development session on the Project Approach. Interview questions focused on teachers' perceptions of the impact of implementing the Project Approach on their ability to meet the learning needs of diverse learners. Teachers' perceptions of factors that facilitated implementation of the Project Approach were studied.

Themes related to four factors emerged from the teachers' comments:

1) Participation and learning of diverse learners was facilitated.

2) Positive effects were noted for children's social and academic learning, which teachers attributed to improved motivation.

3) The availability of "real objects" and materials in the classroom was beneficial.

4) Positive effects resulted from including children in planning.

These findings support research addressing the benefits of including children with a range of abilities in school settings and the benefits of child-initiated learning for all children.

1 comment:

YBK Yellow Room said...

I agree that including the children in the planning improves motivation! I also have said many times that we, as teachers, are more motivated and have more fun when things change instead of doing the same lessons over and over each year. And, we all know, when the teachers are having fun, the kids have fun, too!