Friday, March 7, 2008


At our back to school workshop this past fall (and doesn't that feel like it was so incredibly long ago?), we talked about entering data on the school district pupil management system called Powerschool.

Following your input, Marilyn has worked tirelessly at ensuring all the data was entered appropriately so that Powerschool (and Mary Norwick in the tech department) could work magic with it.

I now have individual reports for all your students! Another program called Just 5 Clicks will be generating additional reports for your students.

There are other options and opportunities that Powerschool offers you as teachers and families, too.

Please stop in as soon as you can (check my posted schedule) to pick up your information and so we can talk about Powerschool and what is to come.

Also, a reminder--it's time to do the spring ECIPs. Once you have your ECIP forms completed, please give them to Marilyn for input into Powerschool.

Thank you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was lucky to have a sneak peek of the Powerschool reports from the Kids' Place classrooms. I'm so excited for you all to see what this looks like. The information and the way it is compiled for each classroom/program is immpressive. I realize you have a lot going on in your classrooms right now, but you may find going through your classroom information with Mary O' very motivating. Seeing what happens with the information you record on the ECIPs may help you feel energized about collecting spring data. It's really cool!