Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Curriculum Night on Inquiry and the ECIP

Another topic that came up at the early childhood workshop was how to talk with parents about inquiry and the ECIP.

If I remember correctly, we sort of volunteered the ECFE parent educators to provide other program staff with a 'cheat sheet' on relevant points and conversation starters.

Are you still interested in having this resource? Please post your reply so I know how to move forward on this.

Second, if I remember correctly, you were discussing offering some sort of parent night where inquiry and the ECIP could be explained.

Lisa, Peggy and I chatted about the possibility of doing this as an all early childhood programs/classrooms event. We looked at the nature of the different programs, interactions with parents, parent involvement and decided that doing an all programs event really wouldn't meet the needs of parents in various programs.

So, your beloved program coordinator will be talking with you about ways to make sure that there is conversation with parents about inquiry and the ECIP. If you have some ideas or suggestions you want to share, please post a comment to this blog!


Peggy Rick said...

This is a great night ahead. CP room 101 is reading many Nancy Carlson books that are key to the IB and Inquiry style. We scan the front of the book and read and discuss the book. Parents are aware of the IB preschool touch.

Mary O' said...

I'm wondering how we can make sure that families understand how inquiry, work inspired by Reggio and the IB PYP programs at the K-6 level are all tied together and, in particular, how inquiry contributes to their child's authentic learning. WOW--long wonder! Any ideas, comments, suggestions?

YBK Yellow Room said...

The sad fact of the matter is that most of our parents only care about their child's behavior ("how was his day today?") and really don't have the time to wonder what we are doing, or why we are doing it. I get the "how was his day?" question every day from some parents, yet when conference time comes around twice a year, no one signs up to have one. Last spring, I only had two conferences...over the phone, and last fall I only had one! If we can't get parents to come to conferences to find out what their kids are doing, how can we go the one step further to get them to care about WHY we are doing things?? Sorry. Not an idea or answer...just another "I wonder".

CindyH said...

Sorry it took so long to post... I would love to come up with a succint way to explain Inquiry, Reggio, IB PYP, to parents. I have found it difficult to explain. Maybe Parent Eds could put together something with the help of Children's Teachers? Could we allow time for this at our next ECFE meeting?