Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thank you to Jessica Cornell and Gwen Bruse
THANK YOU! We'll be moving forward on the grant.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Interested in college credit for in-service training, bachelors or masters degree?
Dear Early Care and Education Community,
Master's Degree then scroll down to Master of Science Degree in Education with a Concentration in Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy
Bachelor's Degree then scroll down to Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy
We offer a certificate as well.
You must first apply to the University and to do that you can go to and follow the directions.
Interested parties should remember that these programs accept job-related workshop credit (i.e. ODE, SUTQ, Head Start....). If you are interested in converting your required training to workshop credit, see below for more
Have you been wondering what to do with all those in-service hours?
Well, I have the answer! Bring them to the
any of the "specialty training" areas listed below or similar ones if you are out of state then you can get college credit. You can get up to 12 semester hours of credit for undergraduates and 6 at the graduate level. In-service hours must not be older than five years. So if it is time to renew your teaching license here is an option towards earning college credit for all the time and effort you have put into in-service training. If you want to work on a degree this is one way to collect credit hours towards a bachelor's degree. The cost per semester credit hours (in-service only) is $250 per credit hour. (15 in-service clock hours =1 semester credit)
Those of you working towards masters can apply for up to 6 semester hours.
Workshop Credit (up to 12 semester hours) in required "specialty training" areas. Register for workshop credit through the
4C Leadership Institute, Step Up to Quality, State Early Reading Initiative (SERI), Infant Toddler Guideline, Early Learning Initiative, Early Learning Content Standards, * Other as approved
by ODE, ODJFS, OCCRA or by program advisor/coordinator UD Workshop Credit for Specialty Training = 12 semester hours
For more information please contact: Julia Danial (937) 229-4411 or
1-800-837-7433 or for undergraduate
information or Joy Comingore for Graduate information at (937)229-5533 or
Mrs. Elizabeth Engelhardt
Chaminade 221F
(937) 229-3572
Department of Teacher Education
The measure of a society is its reverence for children. Gesell
Still looking for that Environmental Grant champion...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
HELP! Our Environmental Grant Efforts Need a Champion!
The focus of the grant this year is to expand lessons on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle into Creative Play, First Steps, Kids' Place, PALS+ and RSK. Parent involvement and parent education is a key part of the grant. Putting activities on these topics into classrooms is a great first step, but just like the Reggio Emilia approach, parents are to be a partner in the learning. The final goal of the grant is to permanently change families' behaviors around these 3 areas.
Patty from Hennepin County provided a training on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in January that some of you attended. (I do recollect it was held on a day when many staff were out sick :( ).
There is a great curriculum for parent education and children's programs that I believe all of you should have already received, albeit a while ago. A copy of the curriculum is in a green folder on the counter behind the mailboxes.
This work has been spearheaded by Trish Walsh (THANK YOU, TRISH!) who is now ready to hand it off to someone else. Could that someone else be YOU?
The grant goals and outcomes are already written and there is a $2000 budget for staff time and supplies. The work needs to be completed by June 30. Trish and/or I will be more than happy to encourage you to take this over, if you need encouragement. You will be paid your regular salary on a voucher for what work you do on this project.
Could you please let me know by Friday, February 19 if you are willing to step forward to ensure this important community based work is done?
For a little added incentive, view the following 3 minute video. Thank you in advance!