The school year is really going quickly, isn't it? One indication is our rapidly upcoming Early Childhood Programs Open House on Thursday, January 24, 5:30-7:00 p.m. here at Central.
We have seen that increasingly, parents are becoming more and more consumer savvy in choosing a preschool for their child. Consequently it is critically important that we put our very best face forward on the 24th for the families who come to visit the classrooms. It's not enough to rely on our admittedly good reputation in the community. We want them to attend one of our programs so we've got to convey why we ARE the best choice for their child.
So let's go back to visible thinking. When parents visit Central, walk the hallways, come into your classrooms...
· What will they notice in your classroom?
· What’s going on in there?
Why does it happen that way? Will they wonder why it isn't being done another way? Will they be able to say why it is being done this way? Will they know why this is the best for the children?
· What new idea will they get from talking with you and/or visiting your classroom that will move their thinking in a new direction?
· What will they see that makes them say this is the best place for their child?
What are your classrooms and the hallways outside your classrooms going to look like for Open House?
How will the walls talk to parents, telling them why they should be excited to bring their children to your program next year?
It would be GREAT if you could post to this blog your plans for your classroom environments on the 24th--and if you could respond to your colleagues' plans!