Friday, December 15, 2006

Welcome to Provocation Station!

Let's wade into inquiry together!

Things are never boring in the St. Louis Park Early Childhood programs. To help you on your journey of professional growth, we thought we'd try this technological route through blogging.

At least every other week, hopefully weekly, a 'provocation' will be posted that is intended to encourage you to examine your work with the children in your classrooms.

Your job is to read it, think about it, chew it over, maybe discuss it with your co-workers or other EC teachers...and then decide if it leads to making a difference in the way you're doing your work. So just as we're encouraging the children to be inquirers into their world, you, too, are being encouraged to be an inquirer into your classroom world.

Then you can make a comment about the provocation on the Provocation Station blog for all to read. Tell everyone about what you're thinking; what you tried; what was successful; what wasn't. Share classroom conversation documentation and tell how it impacted your work. Ask questions, ask for help, ask for ideas.

There is no right or wrong way to do this. This isn't an assignment. It's an opportunity for reflection.


Here's your provocation for the week of December 18---

How have you been changed by the children?

Looking forward to reading your thoughts!